Jeff is a presenter and tv personality who has featured on so many amazing programs - and is without doubt a peak performer regarding his career as a presenter featuring on such shows as itv this morning, the xtra factor and the X factor live tour, ITV2’s I’m a celebrity get me out of here now and ok tv. He is also a regular on shows like loose women. He is also a presenter on talk sport radio! And so many more.
Jeff’s has been involved in a number of reality tv shows, originally shipwrecked in 2001 - dancing on ice in 2011 and most recently celebrity sas.wdw. He’s also very well known for his relationship and his two sons he had with the very popular Jade Goody which has meant he’s had to endure living a lot of his life in the public eye.
Jeff has seen and experienced so much and as much as I’m impressed with his stellar career in tv and everything he has achieved, what I really wanted to speak with him about was what he does away from tv.
A lot of people won’t know that Jeff is a life coach. He works with clients helping them to improve their lives in a number of ways - one of which is through NLP as Jeff is a qualified Nuero-linguistics programming coach. A lot of the amazing work he does is around living and managing grief. Jeff’s also written a book about his life and experiences with grief called the ‘grief survival guide’ available on amazon and audible narrated by the man himself.
But he’s not just a life coach - he’s also a football coach at West Ham academy working with players and coaching staff.
He’s basically a legend. A former footballer like myself - in truth we had so many synchronicities. I called Jeff a few days before we recorded not knowing that we’d still on the phone for 45 minutes talking non stop! There was a lot I didn’t know about him that resonated with me and he helped me out a huge amount on the call and indeed on this podcast too. So I can’t wait for you to hear it.
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