Ollie is a former military man, initially a royal marine commando. After 5 years service he was recommended for SAS selection - the grueling 6 month selection process finished with Ollie as one of only 5 from 250 to pass and be inducted into the special forces as part of the SBS, the special boat service.
During his 6 years in the special forces he undertook countless high profile missions including hostage rescue, counter narcotics, counter terrorism, homeland security and counter insurgency.
On leaving the SBS Ollie worked as private security both in Iraq and Southeast Asia.
Ollie is arguably most recognised for his part os one of the founders of the incredibly popular TV show SAS.WDW - which documents recruits going through a simulated SAS selection. Ollie is the CEO of break point, an organisation for both public and corporate which focuses on shifting people’s limiting beliefs. He’s a speaker and a writer too. His books ‘Break point’ and 'Battle Ready' where both Sunday times best sellers - and he now has a new book ‘Scar tissue’, which unlike his others is a fiction which has just dropped.
He also recently launched battle ready 360. A gym in a box that can be taken anywhere to train anytime.
This conversation blew me away. We discuss Ollie career development and his desire to be himself and not conform and how that’s impacted him. We talk about his incredibly specific and powerful morning routine and what each practice does for him. He opens up about how last year a trip to Costa Rica which involved an psychedelic ceremony (ayahuasca) allowed him to finally get over the trauma he experienced as a 10 year old boy, when a 50kilo chimp attacked him, with Ollie narrowly missing death. This was a crazy story!
Plus we talk how to use visualisation to achieve anything we want! We also go into what the ‘system’ is designed to push us into a life that lacks meaning. We essentially put the world to rights in this one!
I’m so proud to share this one with you today. Without further ado, please enjoy episode 99 with former special forces solider, entrepreneur, speaker, author and legend - Ollie Ollerton.
Scar Tissue: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Scar-Tissue-Thriller-Bestselling-Author/dp/1788703804
Breakpoint: https://break-point.co.uk/#/?playlistId=0&videoId=0
BattleReady360: https://battleready360.co.uk
Ollie: https://champions-speakers.co.uk/speaker-agent/ollie-ollerton